poniedziałek, 20 kwietnia 2009

"From school bus to tour bus without ever growing up"

Znalazłam artykuł który wydaje mi się bardzo na czasie, biorąc pod uwagę ostatnie ekscesy na linii zespół-publiczność-techniczni na koncercie Butthole Surfers, a także zaobserwowanie, po raz pierwszy w życiu, prawdziwej KOBIETY-technicznej, i to ładnej.

"The funny thing about roadies is that while pop fashions come and go, road crews always look the same, and have done since about 1967. At a Kasabian gig recently, I was struck by the sight of the people on the stage. To a man (and they were all men), they had long hair, tattoos, keys jangling from belts that struggled to contain beer bellies, the name of a bad rock band on their T-shirts, combat shorts and – most alarmingly – visible bum cracks (...)
The Academy of Contemporary Music offers a course on how to become a roadie. No doubt it attracts spotty teenagers lured by stories about roadies promising exclusive backstage access in return for what the News of the World would describe as "a sexual act". Stuart Maconie identifies the traditional career path of roadies (and, erm, some journalists) in his book Cider With Roadies: "From school bus to tour bus without ever growing up."

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