Jeśli jesteś w zespole, są spore szanse że pisałeś kiedyś do blogera, radia albo gazety z prośbą o pomoc w promocji twojego nowego wydawnictwa/koncertów.
Są też spore szanse, że większa część twoich maili pozostała bez odpowiedzi.
Jak ułatwić dziennikarzowi zapoznanie się z twoją muzyką piszą mili ludzie z
Include mentions of the website you are contacting
Music websites receive many emails that look like a generic email sent to many other websites and publications. Emails like this are unlikely to do you any favours. The research you will have carried out will allow you to mention the section of the website in which you feel that your band should be considered for. Also try and find the name and email address of someone who runs the section you want to be featured on and send them an email - using their first name!
Local and national music blogs and websites
Research and build a list of contacts in the region where you live. Regional websites are more eager to help good local bands and are generally not bombarded like their poor nationwide counterparts. Local newspapers also usually have a music section run by local journalists who write articles about local bands - and are definitely therefore worth contacting. Find your local newspaper’s website and search for a music section.
National music websites are more tricky due to the sheer volume of requests that they receive. There is no harm in trying, so approach this in the same way as local media.
Short and snappy
You are NOT Charles Dickens. Try and keep your emails short and containing all the info required. However, tell music journalists that you would be more than happy to provide them with any more info if they need it.
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