wtorek, 4 grudnia 2012

Kto zarabia ile w branży muzycznej

Miło czasami się dowiedzieć, że ktoś naprawdę robi na muzyce jakąś sensowną kasę.

Berklee College of Music w Bostonie opublikowało wyniki badań na temat zarobków w różnych sektorach branży.

To z bilboard.biz:

The study -- an update on the college's 2010 report -- covers the broad areas of performance, writing, business, audio technology, education, and music therapy, and represents something of a mixed bag; PR and orchestral musician positions saw a salary bump, while A&R reps and commercial jingle composers haven't fared as well in comparison. An overview of working musician positions for the past five years also appeared hit or miss, with most fields seeing an offsetting number of the more than 5,000 respondents reporting both income rises and falls, with only teaching making great strides upward and session playing reporting lower income. The average music income over the past five years was estimated at around $34,000.

Przeczytaj cały wypaśny raport na stronie berklee.edu

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